Indonesia is the 4th largest coffee producer after Brazil Vietnam and Columbia.National 2014 coffee production was as many as 685 thousand tons or 8,9% total no.of global coffee production.The rest come from Arabica by 23,3%. Demand for Indonesia coffee from time to time continue increase because Robusta from Indonesia is superior and the arabica has unique flavr and characteristics.
Indonesia coffee export volume by average range of 350000 tons per year includes 85% robusta and 15% Arabica there are more than 50 destination countries Indonesia coffee exports to Usa, Japan, Germany, Britain became main destination.
Improvement of Indonesia coffee exports due increasing recognization of quality to the world.Even the US dub Indonesia as a coffee paradise nickname is given during exhibition of SCAA in because have 39 variants of best specialty coffee from Indonesia.
Based on statics from US Department of Commerce Bureau of Census the US coffee imports from Indonesia at period from January to December 2014 reached 32310 million USD increase of 11,29% over same period in 2013 and which amounted to 29034 million USD.Indonesia coffee export volume by an average range of 350000 tons per year includes 85% robusta and 15% Arabica more than 50 destination country Indonesia coffee export to Japan,Germany,Italy and Britain become main destination. Not only that fans of Indonesian coffee also in Europe Hungary have been rarely known as coffee connoisseurs exporting coffee from Indonesia.Even up to the 1st quarter of 2015 and coffee recorded transaction valued at US$ 1.4 million the number was a sign recognition of Indonesian coffee in eyes of world the better.